From the Bed to the Sofa and Back Again

Step by step – that’s the way to get to your goal. I hate that. I always want to find the short cut and pass the hard work. But the hard work is what makes us grow and produces the goal.

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes the hard work is fun – like writing this blog! I feel glee as I type out the words, while at the same time it feels like pushing a boulder uphill (step by step) to produce something at least entertaining enough for you to read. I don’t think I’m there yet – let me try harder!

Have you ever felt stuck in life? Like there just ought to be more to it? Like life was just passing you by and you didn’t know how to really participate any more?

That’s how I felt when fatigue from multiple sclerosis (MS) had me stuck to the sofa. I did not have the energy to do more that walk from bed to sofa and back. Life was passing me by, and I was growing more and more depressed. So I decided to do something about it.

I had been a pastor for a couple of years before my energy was gone (talk about pushing a boulder up a hill and having fun doing it!). I wanted something that felt that fulfilling. I love to help people, really just to love people, and I was so isolated. I began to read and research, step by step, how to find a purpose that would be fulfilling. Along the way I found some books that changed my life – here are three of them.

Leap Daring Integrity

One of the most helpful books I read was Martha Beck’s The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self. Martha takes you on a journey using Dante’s Inferno as a metaphor for deep diving into the “paradise” that is your core. It was a fascinating way to learn more about myself and the layers I’ve built between the outside me and the me I really am. That journey confirmed for me that the force at my center that drives me is Love.

Another book that hit hard and changed me was Brené Brown’s Daring Greatly. The subtitle of Brené’s book is “How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead.” It’s a challenging and transformational book that dared me to be more open and courageous. Because of this book I dared to build my own business helping others.

And there was also The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. Gay introduced me to the concept of finding your “zone of genius,” which is the area where you are uniquely suited to use your gifts and talents. When you are in that zone your life works more smoothly and you are happier. When you are in a lesser zone (incompetence, competence, or excellence) things just don’t work as well. Gay carries some of his theories just a little farther than I’m comfortable with, but his unique view on what leads to success and happiness is definitely worth reading. And I found out that being in your zone of genius means persisting in the search instead of settling.

Those were just a few encounters that changed my path on my way to finding my life purpose. I read so many books, articles, and blogs, listened to podcasts, and took classes – sometimes it felt like two steps forward and one step back! But once I had my purpose, I had to build my business – so I began a whole new round of reading and learning (how to set up a business, how to build a website, and how to harness the internet to reach the people who need what you have to offer). Each of the steps I took got me further along the road to where I am now. The journey has been slow, sometimes painful and sometimes exhilarating, and very worthwhile.

I wanted to share this bit of my journey with you because I wanted you to know that no matter how stuck or lost or uninspired you might be – step by step will get you out of it. You just have to be willing to take that first step. Along the way you’ll have some big leaps too. But you have to find to motivation to move forward, whether it’s reading, listening to or watching something inspirational, or asking for a helping hand.

Take that first step to make your life the best it can be. Don’t settle for less.


P.S. As an Amazon Associate I earn a tiny commission if you buy using my links. But I’d still rather you support your local bookstore if you can!

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