
Hi! I'm Conni

I can help you change your life.

That’s a ballsy statement, isn’t it?

“But, Conni,” you say, “you don’t know me. And what does that even mean? Change my life how? Don’t be so vague.”

Let me tell you about my superpowers.

  • My core, my reason to get up in the morning is Love. My favorite thing to do is help people realize that 1) they are worth loving and 2) that they are already loved.
  • My strongest gift is empathy. I feel people’s joy and pain. When people are in pain, I want to help them figure out how to find a solution for that pain or find how to live with it.
  • I am a supercommunicator. I am a radar dish that picks up all the unconscious information that people give off, so that I hear what they mean and not just the words they are saying.  
  • I am a pattern hunter. When people tell me about themselves I find patterns and connections that help me understand them better.

So what? What does all that mean?

Put this all together, and I am extremely well equipped to be a life purpose coach. I ask smart, intuitive questions and I listen well to what my client says (and means). I hear what they say about their life and see the patterns that run through. I can use my gifts to show my client things about themselves that they might not see on their own. 

That’s why I’m good at what I do. I was born to do this – literally, my childhood equipped me with these superpowers.

I am an introvert, born into a family with a lot of emotional chaos. I felt like it was my job to make sure everyone else in my family was as happy as possible and that they got what they needed. I hoped that if they were happy, then maybe there would be room for me to ask for what I needed! 

So I learned to figure out what was going on and what I could do to help, to smooth communication between people who weren’t really hearing each other, and to be invisible otherwise. 

Since then, I’ve done a lot of work and gotten help from good counselors. I have learned to set healthy boundaries, to let other people have ownership of their feelings and their choices, and to not be afraid to ask for what I need. That leaves me free to use my superpowers, forged in a chaotic childhood, to help other people grow in a healthy way.

My journey

“How did you end up as a Life Purpose Coach,” you ask?

That’s a story of growth and healing.

In 2006, while I was in grad school, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). I was not happy to receive that news, but I finally had a diagnosis to explain the dragging fatigue and other strange symptoms I’d been having for years. Sadly, I was not able to finish grad school.

Then a few years later I was experiencing fatigue so severe that I spent my days traveling from sofa to bed and back. I was not able to hold a job outside the house, and most days wasn’t even able to do household chores. 

I had no job, couldn’t take care of the house, or even attend my kid’s events – so what was I worth? I realized then that my worth was in using the gifts I had with the capabilities I had in that moment.

I realized that it was time to find something I could do, even if it was from my sofa. So I began doing research to figure out how to find what was fulfilling and meaningful to me. After trying a couple of different ideas, I finally realized that I wanted to create a way to help other people who were lost or just going through the motions to figure out what was fulfilling for them. 

That’s how my program Refinding Your Life Purpose was born. I pulled together all I had learned and created an 8 week, one on one program that helps people get to know themselves, find their purpose, set their goals, and plan how to take their first steps toward a fulfilling life, all with me walking step by step beside them.

My passion

So back to changing your life…

If you are a woman in midlife with an empty (or soon to be empty) nest:

  • Who feels like she’s going through the motions
  • Who is not used to putting her needs forward
  • Who is wondering “Is this all there is?”

I have trained and studied. I chose this path as my purpose.

I can help.

I have gone through a transformation from “I can’t live this way forever” to “I can’t wait to get up in the morning and help people.” I have gone from a caterpillar to a butterfly.

With my experience, my research, my training, and my superpowers, I can help you transform your life too. 

You can get to know yourself as you are right now, not as you were before midlife. 

You can figure out what you really want from life, right now. 

Once you know that purpose, you have a guide for making decisions and you can move forward to set goals. 

And once you have your goals, you can start making plans to take steps toward a new life that has you excited to get out of bed every morning!

So that’s what I mean when I say I can change your life.

Are you ready for your life to change?

If you are ready to take the first step:

Sign up for a free, no-pressure, ½ hour discovery call with me. You can ask questions and then decide if you are ready to transform your life. We can work together either with individual coaching sessions or through the Refinding Your Life Purpose program. I want to help you find the fulfilling life that you deserve!

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