GPS works better if you have a destination in mind

After reading the title of this blog, I bet you said, “Of course, Conni, you silly person. How can you get to a place if you don’t know what place you want to get to?” And I answer, YES, EXACTLY!!

That’s why you need to have a life purpose – you can’t reach your goal of a joyful, fulfilling life unless you know what gives you joy and satisfies you!

But wait – I’m assuming everyone knows what a life purpose is! My definition: a life purpose is a guiding principle or focus that influences all of your goals and decisions. It may be but isn’t necessarily your job (like being a nurse), it can be a hobby (painting) or volunteer work (serving the homeless).

Sometimes you may find that purpose without much thinking about it, and that’s great. But as you grow and change your purpose can evolve with you. Suppose your job changes, you get divorced, your kids leave home, or you receive a serious medical diagnosis – all of these events can lead to a serious change in what is important to you. Or maybe you just feel stuck or like there just should be more to life. Then it’s time for a tune up.

“But Conni,” you say, “I’ve been getting along just fine without a purpose.” It’s certainly possible to have a good life without one. But what if your life could be even better? There are so many benefits to having a purpose:

  1. Clarity: Finding your purpose requires self-reflection, leading to greater understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, and values. It brings clarity about what matters most to you, helping you make decisions that are in line with who you are.
  2. Direction: Knowing your purpose gives you a clear sense of direction, helping you set meaningful goals and prioritize your actions. Then you can focus your time, energy, and resources on activities that are most important to you.
  3. Fulfillment: Living in alignment with your purpose brings a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, since you focus on activities that resonate with your values and passions. It also lets you make a positive impact on the world by using your unique skills, talents, and passions to serve others and create meaningful change
  4. Personal growth: Pursuing your purpose often involves stepping out of your comfort zone, which creates personal growth and adaptability. It can boost your resilience by giving you a strong sense of identity and inner strength during difficult times. 
  5. Health and well-being: Studies suggest that individuals who have a strong sense of purpose tend to have better physical and mental health, lower levels of stress, and they live longer. Living out your purpose can boost your energy levels and vitality, since you are engaged in activities that fire up your passion and enthusiasm.
  6. Sense of belonging: Your purpose can connect you with people and communities who share your values and passions, creating a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

Discovering your life purpose can lead to positive change in all aspects of your life. So get that GPS pointed in the right direction!

What do you think? Can you put your life purpose into a sentence or two? Comment below!

If you want some help finding (or refinding) yours, I’ll be doing a series of blog posts on steps to get you there. Or I’d be happy to help you out with coaching or my Refinding Your Life Purpose program. After all, my life purpose is to help people who are lost, stuck, or in transitions to find theirs!

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