Life Purpose Coaching
I can meet with you one on one to make sure your life is headed where you want it!
I’m Conni, your Life Purpose Coach, here to help you get out of that rut you are in.
If you are looking for clarity, purpose, or help achieving your goals, then I’m available for one on one coaching!
Life Purpose Coaching sessions can be used for:
- Figuring out where you are and what you need to move toward a life you look forward to every day
- Finding your life purpose
- Defining life goals and making a plan for improving your life that will use your strengths and talents
- Providing support and encouragement while you develop or live out your life purpose
- Working on maintaining a positive mindset
Schedule a free, no-pressure discovery call with me today so you can decide if we are a good fit for each other. Take a step forward in your journey to a more fulfilled, joyful life!
My Coaching Packages
Single one on one coaching session
Monthly one on one coaching package (save $50)
1 session per week (4 total)
Quarterly one on one coaching package (save $250)
1 session per week (12 total)
VIP Intensive (Half-Day)
One 4 hour session
Your choice
Get to know yourself and identify your life purpose (Steps 1-5 of Refinding Your life Purpose) – includes
workbook to be completed before the session
Or, if you already know your life purpose,
Write your life manifesto, begin setting life purpose goals, and forming action plans for those goals (Steps 5-
8 of Refinding Your Life Purpose) – includes workbook to be completed before the session
Create (in consultation with me) your own experience based on what you need